RIVA sign with address number 1180
View of hotel moving from low angle to higher angle
Valet Service at hotel entrance with white BMW SUV
Underlit palm tree with hotel in background
Two dancers dressed in unique white outfits in hotel lobby with people conversing
Woman in gold dress on hanging rim holding champaign
Two women checking into hotel with front desk worker
Man interacting with two dancers in unique white outfits
Close up of backdrop featuring DouglasElliman Development Marketing logo and RIVA logo
Man posing for a picture with two dancers in unique white outfits
View from top of staircase of large group of people in business professional clothes socializing
Three men talking in front of sunlit window
Three men and one woman talking and smiling. One man holding a glass of wine
One man and two women smiling as they cheer glasses in air
View from hotel from angle just above hotel pool looking out onto river and tall buildings
Several people under a large white tent. Two men at bar being handed a drink
Close up of Woodford Reserve bourbon.
Three men standing and two women sitting by hotel pool
Close up of food served on skewers on a wooden plate with a flower in the center
Two women talking in front of underlit palm tree and small crowd
Close up of man speaking into microphone
Two men and one woman on staircase. Woman speaking into microphone to crowd below
Close up of man speaking into microphone
Man on elevated surface speaking into microphone to large crowd below
Man smiling and clapping
Six men and two women smiling for a group photo
Line of people being served food at the buffet in the lobby
Woman wearing apron using a metal spoon to stir contents of pot
Close up of plate of food held with two hands
View from staircase of lobby filled with people
Close up of DJ board
Man wearing glasses behind sunlit window using laptop and being a DJ
Man with glasses and microphone dancing with smiling woman
Man with arm around a woman and drink in the other hand, both smiling
Man with glasses holds microphone to a woman’s mouth so she can speak
Close up of a man wearing glasses and a watch speaking into microphone
Two smiling women tapping plastic cups in air
View of people in lobby through outside window lit in blue
Three men and one woman smiling for a group picture
Close up of woman dancing
RIVA RESIDENCES FORT LAUDERDALE in grey letters with white background
Worldredeye FILMS with logo
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